Amazon Wholesale FBA

Proposal to 3x YourStore Revenue

What is Amazon Wholesale FBA?

We know the frustration of losing profits due to a poorly executed PPC campaign.

We’ve been there, and we get it.

Trust us to help you avoid the same costly mistakes.

Our team has an extensive knowledge of PPC strategies and tactics.

We’ve compiled them into SOPs that we follow religiously.

We strive to save our clients’ time and money by executing campaigns with the utmost precision.

It is your world – we are just here to manage it with efficiency!


The Amazon Advantage

Amazon does a ton of work for us. They take care of
shipping, handling the money stuff, dealing with taxes,
and talking to customers. So what does that mean for
you? More free time and less headache.

✅ What Makes Us So Special?: OK, so you’ve got a store, right? You’ve got stuff on your shelves and a clue about where to get more. Here’s the kicker:

✅ You’ve Already Invested! : You already spent money to fill your store & Purchase ton of SKUs for your store, so why not make that
investment work harder? We’re taking your local store and making it nationwide!

✅ Zero Risk, Big Reward : You’re not just a local shop anymore; you’re all over the U.S.! And the best part? It’s zero risk. You’re just
using what you already have to grow bigger and better.

What's the Deal with Amazon Fees?

OK, let’s get into it—the money stuff. Amazon has four
types of fees that we need to keep track of:

✅ Labeling Fee: – This one is for using Amazon’s Fulfillment service (also known as FBA). Amazon gives us special labels to
stick on your products so they know it’s ours when they ship it.

✅ Shipping Fee: This is what we pay when we send your stuff to
Amazon’s big warehouse. Think FedEx or UPS costs.

✅ Referral Fee: This is a cut that Amazon takes based on how much we’re selling your stuff for. It’s like a “thank you” to Amazon for helping us sell.

✅ FBA Fee : This one’s for extra things like storing your stuff in
Amazon’s warehouse and then shipping it out to customers.

But How Do We Make Money?

✅ We do some fancy math to make sure that
even after all these fees, you still make at
least a 10% profit. More on that later!

So, even after all the fees, you’re still making
money. Pretty neat, right?

Success Chronicles: Transformations We've Crafted

We double the money-back, if we didn’t bring the 3x Promised revenue in 90-days. 

But why are we offering this hard-core guarantee? Because of these legit case studies and results we came up with 90% of the time.

Here are some of the case studies:

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It’s to recognize the the potential of your existing inventory with our bespoke, result-driven strategy.

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Brandagic 360 revolutionized the revenue trajectory for a local retail shop, leveraging our sophisticated Amazon Wholesale FBA model to catapult its traditional inventory into a thriving online business

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Witness what massive changes our simple yet innovative strategy brought.

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What Our Clients Say About 360brandegic

What Our Clients Say
About 360brandegic

Where your profits soar and smiles are guaranteed with every Amazon payout

The Process
We're gonna sell the stuff you already have in your store on Amazon!

Let me break down the process to you:

The Process
We're gonna sell the stuff you already have in your store on Amazon

Let me break down the process to you:

Crunching the Numbers

Setting Realistic Expectations

First off, we dive into the Amazon marketplace to see how similar products to yours are doing. It’s not just guesswork; we’re talking real, hard data.

We look at your bestsellers in storeand see how we can make them
bestsellers online, too. And yeah, we’ll also look at Amazon’s cut to make sure you still make a profit.

The Money Talk

Setting Realistic Goals

Now we sit down and get to the bottom line: how much cash can you actually make? We look at your cost, Amazon’s fees, and the going rate for your stuff on Amazon.

Trust us, we won’t get into this if it’s not gonna make you at least 10% inprofit on each product.

The Money Talk

Setting Realistic Goals

Now we sit down and get to the bottom line: how much cash can you actually make? We look at your cost, Amazon’s fees, and the going rate for your stuff on Amazon.

Trust us, we won’t get into this if it’s not gonna make you at least 10% inprofit on each product.

The Handshake

This is Where the Magic Happens

At this stage, we make sure you’re good to go legally to sell those
products on Amazon.

We get you authorized to sell the brands you carry—no fuss, no

The Amazon Setup

Setting Realistic Goals

Now, we roll up our sleeves and set up your Amazon storefront. It’s like building a second store, but online.

Don’t worry, we handle all the techy bits.

The Amazon Setup

Setting Realistic Goals

Now, we roll up our sleeves and set up your Amazon storefront. It’s like building a second store, but online.

Don’t worry, we handle all the techy bits.

The Spotlight

This is Where the Magic Happens

Here’s where your products get to shine. We list them on Amazon with all the bells and whistles: good photos, the right keywords, and a
killer description.

Shipping Out

Setting Realistic Goals

Next, box up your inventory and ship it to Amazon’s warehouses. They handle all the storage andshipping from there.

Shipping Out

Setting Realistic Goals

Next, box up your inventory and ship it to Amazon’s warehouses. They handle all the storage andshipping from there.

The Buy Box Game

This is Where the Magic Happens

This is key: we work to get you in the ‘Buy Box’ on Amazon. That’s Amazon lingo for being the seller Amazon recommends to buyers.

Trust us, you want to be in that box, and we know how to get you

Keeping Tabs

Setting Realistic Goals

Once we’ve nailed it with your initial products, why stop there? Let’s think about adding more products or maybe even diving into new categories.

Keeping Tabs

Setting Realistic Goals

Once we’ve nailed it with your initial products, why stop there? Let’s think about adding more products or maybe even diving into new categories.

Stay Stocked

This is Where the Magic Happens

Nobody likes an “Out of Stock” sign. We keep an eye on inventory levels and let you know when it’s time for a restock.

The Next Level

Setting Realistic Goals

Once we’ve nailed it with your initial products, why stop there?

Let’s think about adding more products or maybe even diving into
new categories.

The Next Level

Setting Realistic Goals

Once we’ve nailed it with your initial products, why stop there?

Let’s think about adding more products or maybe even diving into
new categories.

Hear what our loyal
customers have to say

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How Can We Help You?

Need to bounce off ideas for an upcoming project or digital campaign? Looking to transform your business with the implementation of full potential digital marketing?

For any career inquiries, please visit our careers page here.